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Redirect Setup Print

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This function allows you to make a specific web page redirect to another page and display the contents of that page.

Setting up Redirects via cPanel

To do this, follow the below steps:

First, you will need to have access to your cPanel. If you are not sure how to access your cPanel, CLICK HERE.

  1. From the main page in cPanel, click the Redirects link. This can be found under the Domains header.

  2. Select whether you would like the redirect to be temporary or permanent in the dropdown box.

             º Type in the URL that you would like to redirect, then type in the URL that you would like to
             º redirect visitors to.

             º When you are satisfied, click the Add button.

  3. From the Redirects page, you can also remove URL redirects. Under the Current Redirects header, you can
             see a list of active redirects. Click the Remove button next to the one you wish to remove.

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