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Refer and Earn!

  • 16th October 2018
We all have friends, colleagues and family who host websites and use why not let them experience the Hosting Australia difference, by referring them to us! Not only do will they get the same great service and support that you do, but you will get up to 3 months free hosting, for each referral that completes a sign up with Hosting ...
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What Does My URL & Email Say About My Business?

  • 17th July 2015
Something we still surprisingly see a lot of is the use of "generic" email addresses and website URLs. I say surprisingly, because with us being in the game of hosting, you would think most people would 100% utilise the ability to use a custom URL and Custom Email address...which is a feature of all our hosting packages.But thats not alawys the ...
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SpamProtect - Premium grade SPAM filtering.

  • 16th March 2015
Do you have a SPAM problem?Protect your inboxes from spam, virus, phishing, harvesting and other malware attacks. SpamProtect manages the software and monitors all emails 24x7 to proactively fix issues that might occur.SpamProtect has an advanced in-house IP-reputation system, combined with a large number of message content classifiers. This ...
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Affiliate Program

  • 6th November 2014
Want to earn some extra cash? Check out our brand new affiliate program... Earn money just by referring people to your unique Affiliate Link. Spread your link around via : Social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...huge audiences, unlimited earning! Mailing Lists - Add a link at the bottom of your regular newsletter or mail out. Website - ...
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