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What Does My URL & Email Say About My Business?

  • Friday, 17th July, 2015
  • 10:11am
benefits of using a custom URL and email address
Something we still surprisingly see a lot of is the use of "generic" email addresses and website URLs. I say surprisingly, because with us being in the game of hosting, you would think most people would 100% utilise the ability to use a custom URL and Custom Email address...which is a feature of all our hosting packages.

But thats not alawys the case.

We see a lot of clients still using emails like, or website addresses such as or something simillar.

Sure, these will still provide the same function and services as a custom URL or Email, such as or, but what does it say about your business? Or what doesnt it say?

Quite often, your email address or website address is the first impression a potential customer or client will have. Should it be on a business card they receive, via some marketing material or from an advertising listing.

Generally speaking, generic emails and URLs will detract from your business, in the same way that a badly designed or out of date website, or a messy, untidy shopfront does.

Emails that end in, or suggest a lack of professionalism and in a lot of cases, suggests your business may not be a reliable and trustworthy organisation. (Even though I am sure it is!)

Using URL's that are non custom, such as or simillar has a very similar effect as the above...but it also has the added problem of making it hard to remember.

A customer may remember your business name, and generally will...and in turn, if your domain name is related to yourbusiness name, there is a very good chance they will also remember that and still be able to find your details, when they need too.

For example, if your business name is ABC Publishing, and your website is, most customers will be able to find your website with a little bit of basic searching.

Recent studies have shown that when using an address such as, most people will retain the "wordpress" portion of the URL and not much else. (Remember, not all your customers are web savy...a lot are still self confessed "techno phobes")

This means if your potential client gets home, only to discover they have misplaced your business they decide to look up your business in Google, a large majority of people will simply google "wordpress", which is the part of the URL they have retained in memory, not realising this has little or nothing to do with your website in terms of web results.

Not to mention, it returns about 1,140,000,000 results!

In short, there is no way that client will ever find your business. So get your business set up with a relevant URL and linked to a custom email account today!

Hosting Australia can set you up with a domain name, hosting and email address. Plus, we can explain how email aliases, parked domains and forwarders can help promote your image even better!�¯�¿�½ Its all easy, when you know how and our team can help!

Custom emails and URL's are included as part of all our hosting packages, with no additional charges.
They are quick and easy to setup...and they will make a difference to your business and how you present to a customer.
Ask us for more information today :

by calling
1300 761 930

or by emailing

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