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Hosting Australia Nameservers If you are wanting to point a Domain that is managed by a 3rd Party Provider, to the Hosting... .AU Domain Privacy For non AU domains, please see this article.While it's possible to hide personal information on... AU Domain Change of Registrant (CoR) If you wish to change the domain Registrant, please Open a New Support Ticket, via the Hosting... AU Domains and Trust Eligibility As part of auDA’s eligibility requirements, we must verify that the trustee is either an... Cancelling a Domain Name Domains cannot be cancelled as such but can be set to "Do Not Renew", which means it will remain... Change my Domain Contact Details To update your domain contact details, please follow the below  Login to your client area. Once... Domain Auto Renewal All Hosting Australia domain names will default to Auto Renewal. This means around 45 days from... Domain Name Renewals All Hosting Australia Domains will default to have Auto Renewal enabled. This means your domain... Domains Aliases(Parked), Add On Domains & Sub Domains Please see this article for further information - Domains Aliases(Parked), Add On Domains &... Email Autoresponders if you would like to set your email account to automatically reply to people who send you an... How do I change my Name Servers (NS) or DNS settings? Changing Nameservers via Client Area To change your domain Nameservers, please access the... How long do I have to wait until my domain name is active? Once you request registration, your domain name is reserved for you. As long as your DNS servers... How to get your EPP Codes from Google Domains To obtain all needed information for the transfer, please log into your Google account at... ID Protection or Domain Privacy When some domain name are registered, for example .com, .org and .net domains, the registrant... Manually Renewing A Domain Hosting Australia recommends enabling Auto Renew on all your domains, to avoid any issues.... Request EPP Code To request your domain EPP or AUTHCODE, please follow the below steps : Login to the Hosting... What are DNS settings, and why do I need them? A DNS, also known as a nameserver, is used to provide information about your domain name to other...
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