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Email Autoresponders Print

  • auto responder, auto reply, automatic email reply, automatic email responder, out of office email, on holidays email
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if you would like to set your email account to automatically reply to people who send you an email, you can do this via the cPanel for your hosting account.

Autoresponders can be handy for out of office replies or if you are just wanting to acknowledge emails from clients.

To add an autoresponder, please follow the below steps:

  1. From the main page in CPanel, click on the Autoresponders link. This can be found under the EMAIL category. (See this article for steps on how to access cPanel).
  2. Click the "Add Autoresponder" button.
  3. Leave the "Character Set" option as is.
  4. Set the "Interval" as needed. (The number of hours to wait between responses to the same email address.)
  5. Enter the email prefix, which is the the part before the @ symbol in the "Email" field.
  6. From the domain drop down list, choose your domain.
  7. Set the "From" field as needed. (This will be what shows in Inboxes of people who recieve your Autoresponder).
  8. Set the "Subject" field as needed. (This will be what shows in Inboxes of people who recieve your Autoresponder).
  9. Enter in the body of your auto-response.
  10. Set a start and end date/time.
  11. Check your details, then click Create/Modify.

To edit or delete an auto responder, return to the Auto Responder page and select Edit or Delete.

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