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Set timezone via php.ini Print

  • php, time, time settings, timezone, server time
  • 6

Hosting Australia servers are generally set to Australian Eastern Standard Time, eg Melbourne/Sydney time.  

Changing Timezone via php.ini

If you need to specifically set the timezone to something other than this, for example, Queensland time, you can do so via the To do this, follow the below steps:

WARNING - Advanced Users Only.

First, you will need to have access to your cPanel. If you are not sure how to access your cPanel, CLICK HERE.

  1. From the main page in CPanel, click the File Manager link. This can be found under the Files header.

  2. Click on the public_html on the File Manager page.

  3. Select and click Edit to open your php.ini file found in public_html

  4. Add the following line of code to the top of your php.ini file:

    date.timezone = "Australia/Brisbane"
    Once you have entered the correct details, click Save Changes to save apply the settings.

Replace "Australia/Brisbane" with the timezone from the official list HERE that you wish to set on your site.

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