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Spam Quarantine Page Print

  • spam, email, spamprotect
  • 1

It is advised to periodically check the SPAM Quarantine queues under your SPAMProtect administration page

To access the quarantine queues, login to the SPAMProtect Control Panel (See this link for details on how to do that.

Once logged into the SPAM Protect admin page, locate the SPAM QUARANTINE option from the left hand menu and click this.

You will now be presented with a list of of all the emails that have been filtered as spam on your domain.  Alongside each email is a tickbox, which you can use to select the filtered email, and if you scroll to the bottom you can choose an action to take.

The choices are described below:

This will release the email from the spam quarantine, and deliver it as normal to the intended recipient.

As above, but it also trains the filter that this email was legitimate (referred to as HAM), which will in turn effect the way the filters view future emails that are similar. Please note, this does NOT mean all emails of this type will be automatically accepted in the future.

This will release the email to its intended recipient, AND add the email address to the whitelist. This differs from "Release & Train", in that the all future emails from this address, will be delivered regardless of content.

Deletes the message.

This will delete the message, and also block any future emails from this particular email address.

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