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Disk Space Quotas - Explained. Print

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All Hosting Australia accounts are assigned various quotas that depend on the level or package you have signed up for. Most of these are fairly self-explanatory, eg the number of Databases you are allowed.

One that does have a few different aspects, is disk space usage. Disk Space is essentially how much "space" we assign you, on our hosting server. In the same way that your home or office PC has a hard drive, which can fill up...our servers also have space limitations, albeit a lot bigger than what your home or office PC has available. For this reason, we impose limits on how much space you entitled to.

This space is then used up by various aspects of your hosting servers, including but not limited to:

  1. Site Files (Images, Files, PDF's etc)
  2. Emails stored on the server (eg via an IMAP account, if you use only webmail or if you are choosing to
             leave a copy on the server in your email client setup)
  3. Mailing Lists
  4. SQL Databases

Each of these will contribute to your disk space usages.

It is also important to be aware of how the Disk Space Usage, and Email Account Quotas work.

In the below images, you will see an overview of how quotas work. Note that the Total Disk Space Allocated by your package is what controls the overall disk space on your account, including all website files, emails etc.

See the example shown in the image below, which is on a Level 1 package, with an allocated disk space limit of 7,000MB. It is important to note the email accounts usage and the email quotas. You will see the 3 email accounts shown as examples have quotas of 2000MB, 5000MB and 3500MB. Which total 10,500MB. This obviously exceeds the 7,000MB that is allocated to Level 1...but, as the actual usage of each account only totals 3,000MB, shown in green, this is acceptable.

Be aware, a setup like this is totally allowable and will function fine in most cases. However if the accounts do reach full quotas or the actual disk space usage reaches a number higher enough to cause the total disk space used to exceed 7000MB, your website AND emails will be affected. In the example below, this would mean a total Email Account usage of 4000MB or above. Combined with 1000MB of SQL usage and 2000MB of Website files, this would cause the total disk space used to be 7000MB and over the limit assigned in the Level 1 package.

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