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One Click Installation - Wordpress Print

  • 517

To Install WordPress, please follow the below instructions.

NOTE - For clients who haven't delegated the domain name to Hosting Australia servers, please contact our support team for instructions on how to manage the setup.

  1. Login to your accounts cPanel. You can access cpanel directly, but Hosting recommends using the Client Area to access. Details on how to do this are HERE.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the cPanel page, and you will find a section titled "Softaculous Apps Installer"
  3. Choose the applicable package you wish to install, in this case Wordpress. (You can also follow this process to install other packages)
  4. You will be presented with the installer page, which shows information about the chosen package. Click the INSTALL button from the sub menu.
  5. Complete all details required. Making sure to enter an email address in the "Email Installation Details to:" field.
  6. IMPORTANT - under the "In Directory" field, we highly recommend leaving this field blank, removing the default "WP" entry, unless you specially need to have a sub folder install. See below image

  7. Click Advanced Options
  8. To enable auto updates, please click the applicable boxes. There are 3 update options, see image below:

    AUTO UPGRADE: This updates the WordPress core files
    AUTO UPGRADE WORDPRESS PLUGINS: This will update plugins on your site. Licensed plugins will need an active license to be upgraded.
    AUTO UPGRADE THEME: This will update the WordPress Theme. Please take care when selecting this option, in particular if you have a customised theme.

    Please note - Once selected, updates will occur automatically, please ensure you are testing the site function after each upgrade.

  9. Click Install. Installation will take 4-5 minutes to complete.
  10. Follow instructions on how to access your site and administrator panel.

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