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How to remove an account from my reseller service (WHM) Print

  • whm, remove account from whm, delete account from whm, terminate whm account
  • 874

If you wish to remove (terminate) a cPanel account from your reseller/WHM service, please follow the below steps.

Please note: Once the account has been terminated, fees may apply to have this service restored from backups.

  1. Login to your WHM Dashboard. (See here for details on how to do this).
  2. Once logged in search for "terminate accounts" in the left hand side search box. (See item 1 below).


  3. From the search results, click on "Terminate Accounts" (See item 2 above).
  4. On the terminate accounts screen, enter the name of the domain you wish to locate in the search field. This will auto complete as you type.
  5. Locate the account you wish to delete/terminate, and on the right hand side, click the "REMOVE" button.  Then follow any remaining prompts steps to confirm the deletion.

  6. You can also use the tick box to the left (Shown with the green arrow above) to delete multiple accounts.

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