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Checking Mail Server Settings (Outlook) Print

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Viewing Server Settings In Outlook

Follow this guide if you need assistance in checking or changing your mail server settings on your Outlook application

  1. From the Outlook application window, click File. This can be found top left of your window.

  2. On the Account Information window, Click Accont Settings, then Manage Profiles from the drop-down.

  3. Mail Setup - Outlook window should appear, Click Email Accounts.

  4. Click on the required email account found in the list of Accounts Settings. Once it is highlighted blue, then click Change.

  5. From the Change Account window, you will need to check the settings found on this page.
    • Username: Email Address
    • Password: Use the email account's password
    • Incoming Server: mail.domain
    • Outgoing Server: mail.domain

  6. Once you have confirmed the information on the Change Account window. Click More Settings.
  7. From the Internet Email Settings Window. Click the Outgoing Server tab, then make sure the My outgoing server (SMTP) box is checked.

  8. Click the Advanced tab. Confirm that the server ports are correct, then click OK.
    Incoming Server(Imap): 993
    Incoming Server(POP): 995
    Outgoing Server(SMTP): 465

    Incoming Server(Imap): 143
    Incoming Server(POP): 110
    Outgoing Server(SMTP): 26

  9. Click Next, then allow Outlook to complete the test tasks.

  10. Once the tasks are complete, simply close the window by clicking Finish


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