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Joomla User Registrations - How to Disable Print

  • joomla, security, hacking, malware
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As default, a Joomla website will allow for "New User" registrations.  On some sites, in particular, this is a required feature to allow clients to sign up and create an account.

However, if you are not using any sort of user-based interface, that requires account sign-ups, we would suggest disabling the ability to sign up altogether.

You can test if your site is currently allowing registrations, by adding the below string, after your website URL:


For example, if your domain was, you would visit

If you receive a page that prompts you to sign up, and displays fields such as Enter Password, Confirm Password, Enter Email Address, Confirm Email and then displays a Register button at the bottom, it would suggest your site is open to registrations.

At this point, we would suggest disabling the Registration option. (Alternatively, you may wish to view this article, which shows how to add an anti-SPAM Captcha)

To disable registrations, please follow the below steps:

  1. Sign in to your Joomla Administrator page as normal.
  2. Once logged in, click the USERS menu.
  3. Then from the drop-down, choose MANAGE, as shown below.
  4. On the Users page, choose the OPTIONS button, from the top right-hand corner.
  5. On the options page, set ALLOW USER REGISTRATION to NO and then click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE.

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